Dr. Atraeyee Niharchandra is a naturopathy physician, Clinical-psychologist, diabetes educator and a clinical nutritionist with 13+ years of experience based out of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. You can meet her at Medax Arogya Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre (Gottigere) , Medax Vijayshree Hospital(Jigani) and Centre for Advanced Paediatric and Adult Rehabilitation (CAPAAR). She has 4 master’s degrees, a PhD in progress, more than 120 certifications and licenses in the field of Nutrition and Psychology. Her approach is psychosomatic in nature with psychobiotic dietary changes based on medical reports and clinical studies of patients. She works only with blood tests, scans, and other medical reports.
Her work area consists of working with medical conditions and autoimmune diseases. She works with all age groups and across the gender spectrum. She works in terms of reducing, recovering, and reversing medical and chronic diseases through food and psychology. She has helped more than 100 women to conceive naturally, kids improve height growth, improve IQ, people recover from Crohn’s disease and other gut disorders, reduce addictions and drugs abuse, reverse diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, psoriasis, PCOD and other auto immune disorders. She works with ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Dyslexia, Cerebral Palsy, and other neural conditions. She provides nutritional support to patients recovering during and after surgeries and traumas.
Her approach of work and research is based on the increasing evidence of nutrition and gut health being associated with psychological wellbeing in a bi-directional manner. That is to say that common psychological disorders such as chronic stress, anxiety and depression increase the risk of developing nutritional deficiencies. Nutrition and stress are associated with dysregulation of several regulatory systems, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (a neuroendocrine system) and the sympathetic nervous system, both of which are involved in the stress response. Both chronic stress and increased visceral obesity activate stress-related pathways in a bi-directional pathway which can exacerbate patient symptoms of chronic medical conditions.
Depression has been shown to be a predictor of chronic pain which increases the risk of depression. Pain is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by physical and nutritional factors but also by attitudes, beliefs, personality, and social surroundings. People with medical conditions and illness can experience higher levels of fear with movement as well as pain catastrophising which can lead to more severe pain, greater physical disability, and avoidance of activity.
Her work revolves around “simple every -day Indian food from our kitchen” that can help in recovery through food. From deserts such as ice cream to eating rice, she has helped people modify behavior's through food and has helped people recover from PTSD and other chronic conditions through psychology and food.